New starts

And suddenly you realize that it's time to start something new and trust in the magic of beginnings! 

Clever! the process ended; confirmed date and time to start in the new position! And now what next? How do I prepare myself to achieve the rapid and successful adaptation possible?

Consider this list of pitfalls that often occur when making the switch:

  1. You hold on to what you know: You think you will be successful in your new role doing the same things you did in your old job. You don't see that success in your new job requires you to stop what you were doing and learn new skills.
  2. You fall into the need to “act”. You feel that you have to act and you try at all costs, you intend to put your stamp on the company too soon. You are too busy to learn, make poor decisions and encourage resistance to your initiatives.
  3. You set unrealistic expectations. You do not negotiate your responsibilities or do not set clear and achievable goals. You act well but you fail to meet the expectations of your boss or your colleagues.
  4. You try to do too much. You run in all directions, launching multiple initiatives in the hope that one will turn out well. You confuse people, and no major resources are focused on the key initiatives.
  5. You arrive with "The" answer. You arrive with your mind already programmed or quickly draw conclusions about "the" problems and "the" solutions. You distance yourself from the people, and no important resources are focused on the key initiatives.
  6. You hold on to the wrong kind of learning. You spend too much time focusing on the technical side of the business and too little on the cultural and political dimensions of your new role. You don't develop the cultural perspective, relationships, and information pipelines you need to understand what's going on.
  7. You ignore horizontal relationships. You spend too much time focused on vertical relationships (above with your boss and below with your subordinates) and too little on your peers or key people. You don't fully know what you need to prosper and you miss out on building supportive alliances.


If you pay attention to these most common mistakes, you will be able to focus on:

  1. get ready: mentally break with your old job and prepare to take the reins of the new one.
  2. Accelerate your learning: know their products, markets, technologies, systems and structures, as well as the culture and company policy.
  3. Adjust your strategy to the situation: make a good diagnosis of the situation.
  4. Secure early wins: identify how to create value and improve results
  5. Trade success: Carefully plan conversations about the situation, expectations, work style, resources, and your personal development.
  6. Build your team: If you inherit a team, you will have to assess, adjust and mobilize its members.
  7. build coalitions: Start identifying the people who are key to your success and figure out how to get them on your side.
  8. Speed ​​up the transition for everyone: The sooner you get your team up to speed, the better your performance will be.
  9. Keep your balance: Every transition creates confusion, so you will have to work hard to maintain your balance and maintain your ability to make good decisions. Creating an adequate support and advice network is an indispensable resource. 


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